Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 Random Things...

Jodi has tagged me, so here are 6 random things right now...
1. We LOVE Pizza Ranch and got to eat there last night (it opened yesterday!) - and we are still talking about it!!! YUM!!! (Thanks for coming with us Peck Family!:))
2. I have been busy with Screen Art and need to get a few orders done tonight!!!!
3. We LOVE the SPRING weather and have been having fun playing outside!
4. We are going to visit my grandparents this weekend (my dad's parents) and are looking forward to it!
5. In May Owen will be 2!!!! WOW!!! And Ralph (our bassett hound) will be 7!!!! And Nick and I will have been married for 7 years!!! - where has the time gone???
6. I am addicted to fountain diet coke and ROLOS... (Nick blames you Nancy for the Rolos!!) :)

I tag Sarah and Meredith... everyone else I know with a blog has already been tagged! :)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

That is awesome you are getting lots of Screen Art orders! I will have to check out your new stuff! I have gotten several compliments from everyone that comes over---they all LOVE the flower!!!!! You do such a good job!!!