Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I love my daddy...

Today was a busy day at our house... I watched 5 kids for daycare and Parker had school today as well. It was Parker's turn at school to be the "leader" which means he gets to bring snack for everyone, lead the class when they go to and from activities and of course bring something "special" for show-and-tell. :)

Parker was having trouble deciding what he should take for show-and-tell, so I asked him what he was thinking about today and he said, "Daddy, because I love him." So - I mention the idea of taking his "JETCO" shirt that Daddy had "SPECIALLY" made for him. It is a navy blue polo shirt with "Jetco, Inc. Controls Division" written on it! He was SOOOO excited and said YES, that was what he wanted to take for show-and-tell!! It was so cute! I asked him what he would tell his class about his shirt? He said, "that Daddy got it for me." - Then of course I asked him what his Daddy does at work so he could tell his class... and he said "PLAY" - hehe! I bet some days Daddy wishes he could "PLAY!" :) It was very sweet... he couldn't wait to tell Daddy what he was taking for his "big" day, so we called him right away!

Back at home, the other 4 kids and I had a fun day playing! I am including a few photos of Owen from the day! (I haven't asked the daycare mom's yet about posting their kids - so may add more later!) Owen LOVES getting to use markers, so today they all got to color with markers on the easel... it was VERY fun... and a little messy - I think more time was spent scrubbing their hands to get the markers off!!! :)

And last but not least... I got my plate today from Jodi (check out more of her items at http://vinylexpressionsbyjodi.blogspot.com/) and I LOVE it! Had to add a photo... you can see one on her blog too! She does SUCH a GREAT job!!! - THANK YOU, Jodi!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Parker looks very excited to have it be his big day!!! And Owen is a little cutie too!

Your plate looks great! Thanks so much!!! (You're my #1 customer ya know?!?!?!) :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Love the plate Lori! Great choice! Parker cracks me up! What a big boy. Owie is soooo cute. He's my little buddy. Can't wait to get together again soon for a grill out by Mr. Grillmaster himself!

Candi Ladwig said...

Aren't kids too cute?? That is so sweet of Mr. Parker to take his daddy! :) Word on the street we might be seein' ya guys a lot more in the future! {wink}

PS... making your good ol' Goulash for supper tonight!!