Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tubes for Owen!

Owen got tubes on Friday and is doing GREAT!!! He has had 13 ear infections since he was 7 months and is not quite 2 yet... it has been a TOUGH time for all of us!!! Thankfully though, he is "ALL BETTER"!! If you ask him if he got his ears fixed he says "Hah" - which is YEAH! :) He is too funny! Nick and I have already noticed a HUGE difference! He is not as fussy as he has been... poor boy has basically been living with fluid in his ears all of the time!! - but like I said, he is all better now!!! :)

We headed to Ida Grove for the weekend and I scrapbooked with Robyn and Michelle on Friday and Saturday and then we got to go out with friends Saturday night... all the while, the boys got to spend time with Nina and Papa Hamann!! THANK YOU again for watching them!!! We had a great weekend!!! - except we didn't really get to spend any time with my Mom, she is sick AGAIN... poor Mom! (Upper respiratory junk this time!) Aghh... my poor Mom has had an awful year with sickness!!! Hopefully you are feeling better Mom!

Sorry for the lack of photos... this is the only one we got this weekend! - a cute one of Parker and Ralph wearing hats!!! hehe!


Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like owen sure needed the tubes! They do make a huge difference!!!

Cute picture with the hats!!!!! :)

Mere and Jonny said...

You didn't tell me my godson was getting tubes!! I'm glad the surgery went well. I had them as a child too. They are a godsend! Glad it went well !! Lets grill out soon! xoxoxoxo