Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Last night Parker's preschool had a fundraiser night at Chuck E Cheese!!! We invited the Peck family to come with us (Corbin will be attending preschool next year too with Parker :)) so the boys could play together. It was fun... busy, but fun. Amy came fully loaded with her hand sanitizer!! :) hehe - she cracks me up! We didn't stay too long... we decided to play for a bit and then go try out our new PIZZA RANCH in Waukee!! We had the buffet and it was AWESOME just as expected! :) - I took my camera, but it was too crazy chasing Owen to get any photos... sorry!
Our night ended not so fun... as we were leaving Pizza Ranch, Parker ran off and was headed into the parking lot... there was a car coming so Nick had to trip Parker so he wouldn't get hit by the car - ahhhh it was soooo scary!!! THANKFULLY Nick was a quick thinker and our little guy didn't get hit! Not even a scratch! Needless to say, we left right away and spent our drive home discussing (ok yelling) at Parker the importance of staying with us and not running off! It was very frightening - I even had trouble sleeping that night! I think we scared him enough so that it won't happen again - I hope!!!

Here are a couple pictures in the car on the way to Pizza Ranch. :)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Wow, that does sound scary about Parker!!! Good thing he is ok!!!!

I love Pizza Ranch too!!! YUM!