Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekend fun...

We had another eventful weekend this past weekend... we had Nick's parents come for a visit (it has been awhile - and was so good to spend some time together)... they watched the boys so we could attend a wedding on Saturday. THANK YOU, Nina and Papa!!!
The wedding was a 2pm wedding in Altoona with the reception in Pleasant Hill immediately following, so it was a long day... but VERY fun!

After the reception Nick and I were going to go to a movie... since it has been forever but decided to give Jonny and Mere a call instead... and BOY we were glad we did!!! hehe!
We went bowling at Waukee's Warrior Lanes and had a GREAT time! They even had beer bottles shaped like bowling pins!!! How fun is that??? - as usual, I was the loser with a GREAT score of 86! :) I know, I know I am awful, but I always have fun playing!!! :) Nick was the bowling winner!!! :) We will definitely have to do this again... it was lots of fun and SMOKE FREE!!! :) LOVE THAT!!!

The beer bottles were VERY neat... as you can see I was excited about them!!! :)

After bowling we went to Rookies for a little Karaoke fun! I must say Jonny is quite the performer/singer at these events!! hehe! We had lots of fun... Nick even got up and sang too! We sang a duet... JACKSON by Johnny Cash and June Carter... very fun (not good) but fun! :) Mere and I sang our hit by the Dixie Chics - Earl! And of course, Jonny stole the stage with his outrageous performances and voice overs!!!! Hehe! Seriously, soooo funny!

Then on Sunday, after church Dan and Kim and the girls came over for lunch... so the whole family got to spend some time together! We had KFC at our house and got a few pictures of the kids... they were quite messy!!! hehe!


Jodi Lansink said...

Would loved to have seen a video of the singing! NEXT TIME! :)

The Hamann Family said...

Right!!!!!! Like I would share that with ANYONE!!! :) hehe!

Mere and Jonny said...

Had a blast!!! Jonny LOVES to sing wtih you!!! :) Glad you called us :)