Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All in a Day!!!

WHAT A GREAT MONDAY!!! :) We had such a FUN day Monday at daycare - - - everyone was in such a great mood so I was taking lots of pictures!!! It was a GORGEOUS day and we took full advantage of the weather!!!

Here are a few pictures of the kids...

Owen is TOTALLY the "JOKER" of the bunch... always trying to make someone laugh!!! Here we all are playing Mr. Potato Head (which was a BLAST)!!! Everyone had lots of fun and they made some pretty darn cute potatoes!!! :)

Above... the first photo Braxton is saying "CHEESE" - hehe!! He is sooo funny!!! Owen thinks he IS the potato head!!! hehe!

Poor Owen got an OWIE! For those of you who know this child well this is NO SURPRISE!!! He is such a "Busy Bee" and is always getting into things, falling, getting hurt, being daring, etc. We were playing outside on the swing set and he fell off the duo glider... poor guy, he landed right on his face/eye. I have NEVER seen a "Goose Egg" soooo large!!! I was a wreck! I called Nick and was a little panicked when he told me not to worry and to put some ice on it. Of course Owen LOVED the attention he got from getting hurt and was TOTALLY taking advantage of the situation!!! hehe! I got him a baggie of ice and he proceeded to "ice" his owie! The goose egg was about the size of a dime and stuck out pretty far... I couldn't believe how far it was sticking out!!! Then on day 2 the area was VERY black and blue... the photos don't really show that too well! Here are the pictures to see for yourself...



At the end of the day Daddy and Owen were outside cleaning up Owen's sand and water table to get ready for the next day of daycare - Owen LOVES to help his Daddy!!! :)

If anyone noticed... there are not a lot of photos of Parker... that is because Owen is outside EVERY MINUTE of EVERYDAY!!!! Parker would much rather stay in and change costumes 100 times a day... and that is exactly what he was doing while Nick and Owen were outside!!! During daycare he likes to play outside with his little friends, but as soon as they leave it is COSTUME CENTRAL at the Hamann house!!! - he wears them when their all here too... he just doesn't take them off in the evening!!! hehe! I can not even tell you all how many times we have had to go to the store in a SPIDERMAN costume!!! ;)

It was a VERY full day... and although it was really fun, it was nice to see our beds at the end of the day!! :)

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