Sunday, June 1, 2008


Owen turned 2 on May 25th - - - but we decided to celebrate on Saturday, May 31st! We had an outdoor party here at our house on Saturday from 11-2!

For the event... Aunt Kim made an ADORABLE "tractor" cake for Owen! It turned out sooo cute (see the pics)! :) THANK YOU, Aunt Kimmie!!! :) - you always do such a nice job on all of the cakes we ask you to make!!!

The four of us (Nick, Me, Parker and Owen) each wore a JOHN DEERE shirt for the party - all of them were different colors... I know, we are a little overboard, but it was fun!!! :)

For lunch we had BBQ chicken sandwiches, sweedish meatballs, potato salad, baked beans, veggies and dip, fresh fruit and chips... there was LOTS to eat! Afterwards we got to eat that YUMMY cake or cupcakes and ice cream! If you weren't stuffed when you left... it was NOT because there wasn't enough food here!!! hehe!

Owen got TONS of GREAT presents... THANK YOU everyone!!! Owen can now play his own computer, ride on a scoot about, wear NEW clothes, play tractors, play with his Aqua Doodle, wear his NEW crocs (which he has a total shoe fetish!), play with his remote control car, do puzzles, read books, play outside with his sand/water table and his bubble machine (which was a HUGE hit!!!), watch the Wiggles (his FAVORITE show), save for his future (with savings bonds/moeny given), go to the ZOO - and then scrapbook about it :), go to McDonalds and have ice cream from DQ!!! WOW... what GREAT and UNIQUE gifts everyone thought of!!! THANK YOU! :)

Owen's FAVORITE thing??? I think Nina Hamann and Aunt Tricia would agree - - - CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!! - - hehe!!! He was COVERED with it... and boy did he LOVE it... how many scoops did he have??? I know I saw Nina come back for at least 3!!!! :)

It was a BEAUTIFUL day out Saturday... we couldn't have asked for better weather and we are so grateful to have gotten to spend time with our family and friends for the afternoon! Owen (and the rest of us) had such a GREAT time!

THANK YOU for helping us celebrate with Owen on his "BIG" day!


Jodi Lansink said...

You all look adorable in your JD shirts! LOVE IT!!

The party looked so fun! And the cake was SOOOO CUTE!!!! I wish I could make cute cakes like that!!!!

Sounds like her got a ton of great gifts----Fun!!

Mere and Jonny said...

They are adorable. I love ALL of your shirts :) I wish we could have made it :(
give the boys my love from Aunt mere :)

Candi Ladwig said...

Fun!!! Love the matching shirts... I could never talk Ryan into something like that!! Kim's cakes are always cute! Guess the cake decorating goes on for another generation :) Sorry we missed the party... hopefully we will be living a little closer for the next one!
Happy birthday Owen!

**The pics in the next post are so cute! I love that they do candid pics, too!