Friday, June 13, 2008


Today was my birthday... 31 years I have been around on this earth! Doesn't seem possible to be officially "in my 30's" ... I still feel like a 21 year old - - - ok, not as energetic maybe, but none the less a 21 year old! :)

I had a great birthday... Nick got home a little early today and we went out for ice cream! Then we went to one of my favorite restaurants (Tsing Tsao) for dinner with Alicia and Brenton and our boys and then sat on the deck for a bit and then headed over to the Ladwig's for some SMORE making!!! :) YUMMY!!!

It was a fun day... and THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes today!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sounds like you had a nice day!!!!

Alicia said...

We had a nice time Friday night! Brenton is wondering how his best little friend is doing?

The Hamann Family said...

hehe!!! Owen LOVES Brenton!!! He is SOOOO good with kids!!! :) - THANKS for spending the evening with us... it was fuN!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

Happy Belated bday crazy lady!!!! :)