Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Little Bit of EVERYTHING...

Our week has been busy... lots of fun stuff at home, Parker's last T-ball game, and 2 "Girls Nights Out" too!!! :)

The first part of our week was spent with our daycare friends... Corbin's actual birthday was Tuesday and we celebrated with making cupcakes (everyone got to help!) and frosting them and then eating them at afternoon snack! We all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and took turns re-lighting and blowing out the candle... over and over again!! :) It was precious!!

Then... for those of you who aren't aware of this... Parker has dressed himself for a LONG time and I believe it was Wednesday morning he came down in this....

If you can't tell... these are PJ's! BOXER BRIEFS with a tank top!! hehe! He seriously had FULL intention of wearing this that day... until I told him that it was fine but he wouldn't be able to play outside in his pajamas and he ran right up to change!!! (THANKFULLY)!!! :)

Then... on Thursday I got to see SEX IN THE CITY!!!!! It was FABULOUS!!!! :) Ruth, Laci and I went to the movie and then Laci and I decided to go out for a little bit afterwards! What a GREAT night!!! THANK YOU ladies!!!! - - - and Ruth... I am SOO GLAD you came out with us!!!

I forgot to take a picture earlier in the evening, so there is just one of Laci and I! And... yes it is a self image, so not the best!!! And please lets not comment on how WHITE I am!! :)

Then on Friday Laci and I went to my friend Nia's house for an UpperCase Living party and had a GREAT time. There were Martini's and chicken or steak kabobs that we grilled ourself and fruit salad! :) YUMMY!! I had such a great time, Nia!!! THANK YOU!!!

And lastly.... Saturday (today) was Parker's last T-ball game! He did GREAT today and we were VERY proud of him! He was not real excited about going... but after the game was SOOOO GLAD he did!!! He got a MEDAL! :) He was soooo EXCITED! After the game Owen wanted to run over to the dugout to give his big brother a hug... it was precious! Here are a few photos!


{find joy in the journey} said...

WOW! Those pj's are quite tight!!!!!! FUNNY! How was the movie? I wish it would of worked out for me to go....... I need a night of fun! Maybe next time.

Jodi Lansink said...

Parker's outfit is sooooo funny!!!

That is great that you we able to hang out with the girls----we all need that sometimes!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

How funny is Parker :) Lori - we have to get together adn go out some night :) you ladies look cute!

Candi Ladwig said...

I always have to laugh at the kids you see out and about and you just know they must have dressed themselves!! :) Hopefully his style will change a bit before high school!!

Snavels said...

I can't believe how big Parker is sad they are growing up so fast! And tee ball? How fun!! Reese wants me to have a baby boy so his name can be Parker..isn't that cute? Glad to see you are doing well and having fun!!