Sunday, June 8, 2008


Sorry to overload everyone... but I haven't had time to get a post done before this... so the last several days are included!!

This was a CRAZY week... Nick worked TONS with all of the storms. Monday night he didn't get home until 12:30 AM!!!! Aghhh! I think he had over 55 hours in this week, hence the lack of blogging. We were all exhausted! :)

Here are some photos from the week...

Owen LOVES his NEW scoot about from Nina and Papa Hamann!!! THANK YOU!!! :)

Just playing and being silly... with SPIDERMAN (a.k.a. PARKER) and Owie!

TIRED Daddy and Owie "LOVIN' UP" on each other...

I started my summer hours for daycare!!! That means I only have daycare Monday-Wednesday all summer!! :) Yippee!!! (there are a few Thursdays I will work though) The boys and I plan to have lots of fun on Thursdays and Fridays at the park, pool, zoo, library, etc. We are looking forward to our "SPECIAL" time together! This Thursday I did watch Avery (one of my little daycare girls) and we had such a FUN day!!! We decided to go to Valley West Mall to play... and to our surprise Christi and her kids were there and Ruth and her kids were there too!!! What a GREAT surprise!!! We had lots of fun playing with everyone - and Owen only ran off 2 times!!! For those of you who know him... this is good!!! :) He is ALWAYS on the GO GO GO!!! Here are a few photos of the boys and Avery...

Here are more random shots of playing outside...

On Friday night Nick and I went to a fundraiser for an old friend from the bank who's little boy has leukemia (he is only 3 months older than Parker). It is so sad!!! It was a GREAT event though and they had a GREAT turnout!!! They are such a GREAT family - it is so awful to see them going through this and we pray everyday for God to give them strength to get through this.
At the event (which was 70's themed) there was a BAND, drinks, food, etc. They handed out these bracelets for Will too!!! Nick and I will be wearing these until Will is ALL BETTER!! :)

We met up with Nicole and Brad at the fundraiser and had a great time getting to see them! We ended up going out for a little while with them afterwards! THANKS for a GREAT night!!! :)

Parker is in t-ball this summer!!! We are very excited to have him be in t-ball, but not sure he is loving it yet!! :) He is soooo shy with other people???? I have NO IDEA where he would get this as Nick and I are not shy AT ALL - ok sometimes Nick can be... but seriously, I am his Mom... he should NOT be SHY!!!! hehe! He started last week (May 31st) and he practices every Saturday morning - he will have his first game this coming Saturday!!! His first game will be against his daycare friend... CORBIN!!! :) Corbin is a pro this year... he played last year too, so he is doing GREAT!!!

Here is CORBIN hitting!!! He did GREAT!! :)

It was QUITE the practice this Saturday... Parker actually did really great!!! I think getting to take a turn hitting really helped him to enjoy it more!!! Owen on the other hand had a VERY TOUGH TIME!!! He was NOT happy that Daddy was out on the field with Parker and he let everyone within a 2-mile radius know about it!!! OH BOY - he screamed pretty much the ENTIRE practice which is 45 minutes long!! It wasn't until Daddy finished and came to see him that he stopped crying and screaming! I must say I was embarrassed at how he was acting... plus I was sitting next to Amy (one of my daycare Mom's) who was holding Braxton (her youngest who is a couple of months younger than Owen) and he was SOOOO GOOD!!!! Of course!!! hehe. At least we got through it... not happily, but we got through it!

Saturday night we had Brad and Nicole and their kids Cooper and Lilly over for a grill out! It was great spending the evening together - despite the few bumps we encountered... again, Owen had a TOUGH TIME... he was beating up on Cooper (of all people, poor little Cooper is such a SWEET little guy)!! Owen LOVES Cooper, but for some reason he felt the need to pull his hair, hit him and finally ended his night with biting him. I know, I know HORRIBLE!!! Owen had to go to his room and call it an early night at this point. - What a night!!! Before all that naughtiness... Owen squirted juice ALL OVER the kitchen... and when trying to be helpful by putting his dinner plate in the sink he dumped it ALL OVER THE FLOOR and RUG!!! Aghhh... could this night go any worse??? We just hope Brad and Nicole will come see us again!!! :) - We did have fun after that though... we played the Wii most of the night and Nicole and I talked. It was fun all in all - just a bit CrAzY at the Hamann's!!!

THANKS for bringing the salad and for the recipe!!! SO YUMMY!! We will try again and hope for a better night for ALL - - - especially Cooper!! SO SORRY!!!! ;)

Sunday was our DAY OF REST - which was MUCH needed!!!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Wow--I am tired just reading about your events!!!! LOL Love all the pictures-----sounds like your summer is going good so far!

Alicia said...

I told you that your house is chaotic!! LOL... but you know I LOVE every minute of it! It's such an exciting change from my life!!! haha