Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

What a BUSY weekend!!! We are SOOOOO exhausted from all of the activites!!! We started the celebration on Thursday night (the 3rd) by heading over to the West Des Moines parade with Alicia and Brenton! The parade started at 6:30 and Nick didn't get home from work until after 5:30... so it was a rush to get there!! The parade was GREAT (as usual) and the kids had a BLAST! Owen was soooo good! :) He was in ahhh with the entire event!!! He was so excited and then... the TRACTORS came!!! :) hehe... he could hardly stand it... it was PRECIOUS!!! Parker did GREAT going after all of the candy... for ALL of us!! :) It was VERY fun! ... and our friend Corbin (from daycare) and his daddy Brian were FAMOUS - they were riding on the WDM firetruck (see the photo below)!!! It's always more fun when you know someone in the parade!!! :)

After the WDM parade we went over to Altoona to eat supper at Monterey's (YUMMY!) - the Margarita's were too strong for me... but everything else was GREAT!! :) After dinner we went over to Prairie Meadows for their FIREWORKS... they started at 10 and were VERY good!!! After the fireworks (I know... most people would have stopped here and went home to bed - but NOT US!!! ) we decided to head over to a friend from highschool - Andy Phillips' house for a quick visit... the boys fell asleep on the way and we ended up visiting with Andy and Nikki until after midnight!!! aghhh... we were all exhausted on the way home!!! After we took Alicia and Brenton home we had to run our card table over to Laci's... and Nick and I ended up talking with them for quite awhile too... needless to say after getting the kids to bed when we got home it was almost 2am before Nick and I got to bed.... aghhhhhh.........can you say EXHAUSTED!!!

Friday the 4th...
We got up and ready in the morning to head over to the Urbandale parade... it is always a HUGE parade and we tend to collect LOTS of CANDY!!! :) We met Alicia and Brenton there and also met up with the Ladwig's and all sat together... THANK YOU Ross and Christi for letting us SQUEEZE in!! :) ... it was lots of fun!!! It lasted over an hour and a half... and we got to sit in the shade this year.... YEAH!!! :)

Above is Owen - After the parade!! :) He was tuckered out!!!!

After the parade we went home for some lunch and swimming in our pool. Owen actually is a little scared of the water... which I am thankful for!!! For any of you who have seen Owen in action you would agree this is a VERY GOOD THING! :) Parker had a BLAST though swimming, floating and splashing us!!! I decided I would lay out a bit and got a 45 minute nap in out in the sun... this is a DREAM COME TRUE for me... I need to do this more often! :)

SPIDEY Parker!!

That evening we went over to our friends Brad and Nicole's house for a grill out... it was LOTS of fun... Brad is quite the host! :) The kids had fun playing together and we had good adult time! Nick got to show off his grilling skills... they let him grill and he did a GREAT job! The food was awesome!! Afterwards it was time to head over to the park for the "blow-up" toys and "playtime" with our friends and our cousins (the Ladwigs). Again we had a good time and then we all gathered with our lawn chairs to watch the fireworks together... Alicia & Brenton came, Brad & Nicole with their 2 kids, Olivia & Mike with their 2 kids and Ross & Christi with their 4 kids. We also saw our friends Brian & Lori and their 2 kids... and also Laci & Justin and their 4 kids... Sorry we didn't get to see the Swygman's... hope you enjoyed the fireworks! WOW... lots of people!! It was really a good time ~ the fireworks were a little slow, but they were still good!!!

After the fireworks back to Brad and Nicole's we went... and again another LATE night! We had so much fun - Brad let off fireworks and they were HUGE and LOUD... I think they were just as big as the Waukee fireworks!!! It was hilarious!!! THANK YOU for the GREAT night!!!

Today (Saturday) was a LAZY day for us... then tonight we went over to Ross and Christi's for more fireworks and smores... we had a GREAT time... THANK YOU!!! :)

Sorry - there are TONS of photos from our weekend... Hope everyone had a GREAT 4th!!!!


Candi Ladwig said...

Wow, you were busy!! Don't ya just love the 4th?? Looks like you had a great time!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like everyone had a great weekend!

Mere and Jonny said...

Sounds like you guys had a good weekend...Owen looks soo much like Nick in that one picture :) We just got back from Kansas City, so lets get together! We miss you guys!