Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun with FRIENDS!

This past weekend we had Nick's parents, a.k.a. Nina and Papa Hamann come and visit and then stay with the boys on Saturday while Nick and I got to spend some time away with our Ida Grove and Battle Creek friends~! So... Saturday morning everyone came over and we headed to Adventureland!!! It was a FUN day!! :) Then after spending the day there we all went to get ready and then met up again at their hotel room downtown! We went out for dinner at Raccoon River Brewery (which was VERY good!)... and then out on the town for a few drinks. Dawn and I even got in a dance to "Strokin'" - hehe! It was a fun night out and we were so glad to get to spend time with everyone!!! :) THANK YOU guys for getting in touch with us ... we hope you all had fun too!!!

Here are some photos of the night...


Jodi Lansink said...

Good pictures---you all look cute!!! Looks like you had a great time!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

How fun! I wanna do that!! :) (Maybe another 2 years or so, hehehe) Wouldn't ya think coming from the same hometown I'd recognize someone??!? :)

Candi Ladwig said...

Okay, i went back and really looked... I only recognize ONE person!! :)

The Hamann Family said...

Hey Candi, it was... Erin (Jones) Beery, Tony Beery, Andy Schreiber, Dawn (Kennedy) Schreiber, Traci (Thams) VanHouten (friend from college), and Ryan VanHouten! :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I love when friends come to town and we don't have to travel back home. Dusty's from Sioux City, so it's even farther than Ida Grove.