Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Indianola Balloon Festival!

Sorry for the blog overload... I figured if I didn't post it right away it wouldn't get done! so here goes... Tonight was such a fun night... Alicia and Brenton invited us to go to Indianola for the BALLOON FESTIVAL!!! The boys were SO excited!!! It had been over 2 years since Nick, Parker and I had been (and Owen had never been neither had Alicia and Brenton), so it was nice for all of us to get to go! We got to see all of the balloons and then the "GLOW" show too!

There were rides and blowup toys for the kids too, so we all had our share of fun! It was SOOOO HOT today... but by evening it had cooled off a little, so it was nice. Parker went on most of the rides and Owen only did two of them (the swings and the train)! He is still a little scare of the bounce houses, etc. I am sure it won't be long though!!!! After all of the rides we of course had to have a funnel cake!!! They cost $5!!!!! - - - and they really weren't all that good! Oh well... we didn't go there for the funnel cakes... and it is the fun we had that was important!! :) ... and I must add... the boys were SOOOO GOOD... Nick and I were so proud! :)

We were camera happy... so enjoy! :)

Some balloons...

The rides...


Candi Ladwig said...

How fun is that?? I hear the Balloon Festival is really good! (even from people down here!)

Alicia said...

Hey!! We had fun with y'all too! Your boys were SO good last night.. I was almost wondering who they were and what they did with the real Parker and Owen. HAHA.. Just kidding!! It's always a joy to hang out with you guys. I will try to get a blog done and some pictures up tonight!!