Friday, July 11, 2008

A look at our week...

This week has been EXTREMELY busy at the Hamann household! Parker had VBS each night from 6:30-8:30 (which was really from 6 to 9 every night! :))... and I also volunteered at VBS 3 of the nights! (more pics from VBS to come!) Provider Night Out was this week on Wednesday (which is where I get to hang out with other providers and share stories/network/etc.)... we were out until after 11pm... it was so fun!!! :) Nick got some quality time with Owen... which was GREAT since Owen is such a "Daddy's Boy"!!! :) They ran errands, played, did yard work, went for walks, etc. Owen was in "DADDY HEAVEN" - those of you who know Owen well KNOW how much he LOVES his DADDY! :) Infact... today we had to call him at noon b/c Owen was having a MELTDOWN missing his daddy!!! It is a daily thing now... Owen HAS to talk to his daddy EVERYDAY on the phone!!!! Poor Nick - the conversation goes a little something like this...

Nick: "Hi Owen, how's Daddy's little boy?"
Owen: "DADA!"
Nick: "Hi buddy!"
Owen: (LONG SILENCE... he is listening to daddy.) :)
Nick: "Hey Owen"
Owen: "DADA!"
Nick: "Hi buddy!"
Owen: "DADA!"
Nick: "Owen"
Owen: (LONG SILENCE... he is listening to daddy.) :)
Nick: "Owen"
Owen: "DADA"

... and it goes ON and ON... thankfully Nick has lots of drive time on the road and can devote some time to "talking to Owen"... hehe! It is pretty precious that he LOVES his daddy so much!
Anyways... here is a recap of our week! It was a GREAT week - even with the busy schedules!

Playing "dress-up"...

We have our own BAND...

We had a visitor from the "Food Program" and we learned to make VEGETABLE SOUP!


Alicia said...

I ***LOVE*** the BAND picture!! It is definitely a classic!!!!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

mmmmmmmmm, yummy soup :)