Sunday, July 20, 2008


This week was a little crazy for us and I didn't get many photos! (SORRY) Nick worked TOO MANY hours... and we spent the week getting ready for our garage sale (which is now going to be an annual event for us)! We did manage to get in a "DATE NIGHT" on Wednesday... we went out to TSING TSAO and to the Comedy Club with Brian & Lori and Alicia & Brenton... which was lots of fun!!! Not the BEST comedian, but still a GREAT night!

Thursday night was ALL about the garage sale!!! We had the garage sale all day Friday and Saturday... Nick took off Friday as a vacation day and watched the kids for me. On Friday Parker had a LEMONADE STAND and sold bags of chips too... he did pretty good, but it didn't last too long! Needless to say, there was NOT a lemonade stand on Saturday! :) hehe! He did good though... he made $9.50 and he even gave change once!!! - - that was us telling him to take the man's dollar and give him 3 quarters back... he was a little upset that he had to give out 3 quarters... he said, "I only got one dollar and he got 3 quarters????" it was too cute! :)

Here are a few photos from earlier in the week...

Our little SUPER HEROES!!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Garage sales are so much work---but nice to have the cash at the end!!! Way to go Parker on the lemonade stand!! I bet he did a great job!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

I agree with Jodi... HARD WORK!! But it is so nice to get all that stuff out of the house! Hope it went well for you!