Friday, July 11, 2008

VBS Photos and SLEEPOVER #1

We made it ALL week at VBS... and all of the kids had a BLAST! I am sooo glad they were old enough this year to get to go! As I mentioned in a previous post, Parker took 3 friends... Corbin, Cooper and Lilly!!! Friday (tonight) after VBS we had Parker's 1st sleepover too! :)

Nick and I took the kids to VBS and then picked them up when it was over... we surprised the kids by taking them to DAIRY QUEEN for a treat!! They were SOOO excited and we saw lots of other VBS kids there too... I think everyone had the same idea tonight since it was so HOT! :) We also met Nina and Papa Hamann and Owen there!!! They walked over while we went to get the kids... so Owen got to be with the kids too! :) The kids were being silly and putting ice cream on their faces, etc. We were SO THANKFUL we decided to eat outside. hehe!

After the ice cream it was back home for the sleepover! The kids were all excited... we played the Wii, toys, and read books! Then, up stairs to get on jammies, brush our teeth and potty (can't forget this step with three 4-year olds and one 5-year old!). After that they each picked where they wanted to sleep in Parker's room and we tucked them all in and after a few "SCARY NOISES" made by Cooper and a story or two... again by Cooper (who was assisted by Corbin and Parker), Lilly finally told them to stop making noises and asked me to turn the HANNAH MONTANA music down :) and off to "la-la land" they all went! Here is the proof....

Lilly... Cooper... Parker (sideways) and Corbin! :)

... and we can't forget about OWEN!!!!!! (he slept in our bed!!) :)

We had such a great night... THANK YOU to the Mommy's and the Daddy's for letting us have a fun week and for getting to end it with a SLEEPOVER! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Wow---a SLEEPOVER!!! How fun! We haven't even done a sleepover yet!!! They all look pretty cute sleeping!

Candi Ladwig said...

Looks like you wore them out!! Glad to see they all made it to stay the night! (I always remember someone crying and going home!) Can you believe they are getting old enough for sleepovers?!?!