Friday, August 15, 2008

Emergency Room Visit!

Tonight was a rough night... Nick and I were getting supper ready (we were grilling) and I got out my Pampered Chef Slicer (which WAS one of my favorite kitchen items) and was slicing onions when all of the sudden I realized I had sliced my thumb (this was at about 6:30pm)!!!! It didn't hurt right away, but after seeing all of the blood - the pain set in! We turned off the grill and left for the walk-in clinic. I got right in and the doctor told me it was too deep for them there and that I would need x-rays and possibly stitches. So she sent us off to the E.R. When we got there I was being checked in and told their were 8 people ahead of me!!!!!! Needless to say the nurse suggested that I maybe try another hospital and I told her that I wasn't familiar with the other hospitals and would just stay here. We arrived at the E.R. at 7:30pm and I finally got to see the doctor 3 hours later!!! Nick took the boys to get supper while I waited and then when they got back we called Aunt Kim to come get the boys and take them home to bed. (THANK YOU, Kim!!!)

After all of that... the doctor said that he has seen many of these cuts and since it was a clean cut... it is easier to steri-strip them since they seem to heal quickly anyway. I am a little worried since my thumb was cut 3/4 of the way around it... including part of the nail... but I guess we will see how it does! Nick is still in shock... he was FOR SURE that I would leave with a nubby. ;) hehe. He was stressing me out in the E.R.!! :)

It was my left hand... and I am left-handed so I won't be writing any time soon!

I am popping pills as often as I can... but at least I have my thumb!!!! :)


Alicia said...

Oh no!! I hope you are feeling better!!!

Let me know if you need anything at all!!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

OMG!! Only you!! Sorry to hear this. Let me know if JOnny and I can watch the boys :) Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny need to come over anyway and see you!!!

Get feeling better. Goodness!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

WOW----that is scary! At least you still have your thumb!!! Keep us posted on the healing process!

Candi Ladwig said...

Okay, that picture is CRACKING ME UP!!! :) Hope it is getting better... I am getting ready for some screen orders!! {hehehe, I can wait!}