Sunday, August 31, 2008


On Saturday Nina (a.k.a. Nani) and Papa Hamann came over for the day. They are watching the girls this weekend (the Edsen twins) so Papa came to help Nick build a cover for our egressed window. The girls (Grace and Caroline) played with the boys outside... and although Owen had a bit of a tough time sharing, they still had a fun time. After a little playing here, we decided to head to the park since the guys would be welding. We went to one of our favorite parks in Clive... it was SOOO hot though, so we didn't stay too long! :) Here are a few photos fron our day. (Parker was off on his own most of the time, so I didn't get any good photos of him - sorry!)

At the park...

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

How fun!! The boys looked like they were having fun..along with the girls ;) Nice day!!