Monday, August 18, 2008

Home Improvement Progress!!!

Despite my little mishap with the slicer... we did manage to get some of our "to do" list done! Here are some pictures of our progress!

Daycare Area...
We layed new tiles (foam interlocking) for the floor and then rearranged and organized all of our toys into tubs!

Front Door...

Nick painted the front door for me!! This is the 4th color since we have lived here!!! I LOVE changing things, what can I say??? This time it is RED... I love it!!! Still not convinced that it is better than my orange... that was my favorite!!! - we may be going back to that someday! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

First off----what a fun daycare you have!! I would totally bring my kids to your house----how fun!!!!

Second----I am thinking your daycare area needs a vinyl wall saying!!!! :) We'll have to talk! ;-)

Third---the door looks fabulous! I agree, loved the orange---but wow, the red looks awesome too! Great job!!!

I love posts about home improvements---it's always fun to see what other people are up to! Keep them coming!

that was a long comment huh?!

Mere and Jonny said...

Love the new flooring. Did you tear up the carpet down there then in that area? Nicker sure has been busy!!!

Love the know how i felt about the orange :) hehe I love the red!!!! very shiny too!!

Hope you are feeling much better!!!

Alicia said...

i agree with jodi and mere.. the floor is super cute.. and FUN!!

and i also like the Red Door. i've always had a thing for red doors. not sure why, i just think they are neat. my front door will be red someday. and i dont care if my house is purple with green polka-dots, the door will be red! haha

Candi Ladwig said...

Looks super cute all put back together! I love that orange room with stripes! You two do great work! :) Does the home improvement ever end?!?!?! ('cause I'm done!-- with lots of work left to do!)