Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Incase I didn't mention it... I only had Avery for daycare on Monday and Tuesday... so we spent the two days celebrating her birthday and taking some fun trips! Monday was the zoo (with Nick too) and then Tuesday (today) we went to the Science Center downtown - - which we had never been to before! We really enjoyed ourselves!!! :) All three kids were just amazed with many of the displays! We had to check everything out... Avery's favorite was the lego cars, Owen's was the paper rocket machine, and Parker's was a toss-up between the rockets and the toddler play area (where he got to fish!) :) Enjoy all of the photos (sorry for the overload!)


Jodi Lansink said...

What a fun (and educational) place to go to!

Mere and Jonny said...

How fun!! And def. a great place for the kids to learn!! I bet they had a blast :)

Candi Ladwig said...

How fun! I didn't even know we had one!! We'll have to take a trip there with ya! (and I want to get to the zoo before it gets too cold!!)