Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Zoo trip! - Monday

On Monday Nick, Parker, Owen, Avery (my little daycare girl) and I all went to the zoo since Nick had the day off and to celebrate Avery's upcoming birthday! We had a great time as usual!! It really is a great zoo! - - My favorite part: the baby girafe!!! :) The kids' favorite part: the sprinkler bus at the play area! :) hehe! This trip we got to see the Sea lion show, which was fun... the kids wanted to sit up on the platform to watch so we had a great view! Here are a few photos from our day out...

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Ahhhhh---love the baby giraffe too----how cute!!! Looks like fun----you are a great daycare---look at all the fun things you do!!!!