Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Date with MOMMY!

Saturday night Nick had a "Guys Night Out" with Ryan and Brad. They went to the hockey game (the Bucs lost to Sioux City in overtime) and then out on the town! They had a great night... got in some pool, Foosball, and had some drinks! ... oh yeah, and plenty of TEXT MESSAGING going on too! - - nice Brad! :)

In the meantime... the boys and I had a DATE!! :) We rented a video (Barnyard) and hung out on the couch with blankets and had some popcorn! We pretended we were at the movies... :) We cuddled lots and then off to bed for the boys while I worked on some screens!

Sorry, no pictures to post... but read below and you will get enough BLOG overload! :)

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like Saturday night was movie night for most of us!! I love those nights!!