Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday morning we headed to Winterset to the Red Rooster Pumpkin Patch! We have been wanting to go since our first try (with Julie and her daycare kids) was no good... there weren't any pumpkins yet!
We went with Brad, Nicole, Cooper, Lily and Ben and Courtney (Nicole's friend Olivia's kids). We had such a fun time there! There were tons of things to do... the wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch (which we got to see a plane and parachute jumpers during our ride!!!), a blow-up pumpkin to jump in, tractors to ride, a corn maze, goats to feed, a house of hay, intertubes to play on (not without injury of course with Parker getting his eye scraped!), etc. The kids all had a great time! They each got to pick out their own pumkins too! :) What a fun trip! Afterwards we all had pizza together and then headed home for naps! We will DEFINITELY be heading back there next year... what a treat! :)

All of the kids when we first got there...

All of the kids in the pumkin...

The wagon ride out to the patch...

Below is Brad with his pumpkin... he was so proud! :) - - and also the Jump house!

Out in the patch...

Tractor riding...


Jodi Lansink said...

I love pumpkins patches---we haven't made it to one yet---but do plan on it! Great pics!

Mere and Jonny said...

I drive by that place everytime I go see my mom!! Looks like alot of fun! Glad you went!! Fun pictures of you guys and the boys!

Candi Ladwig said...

That looks like a good one!! I love pumpkin patches!!