Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Day in the SUN!!!

Parker had school today and Owen and I had our weekly dose of MOMMY-OWEN time! - - I must say, I absolutely LOVE this time we get together!! :) We ran to target to get some necessities and then on to Hy-Vee... and of course had to swing by the bakery!!! Who can pass up a chance at having a little boy covered in chocolate??? Boy is he MESSY!!! - - but he loves a good donut!

We definitely took advantage of the great weather... after preschool we decided to ask our friends Nicole and Cooper to go to the park with us for a picnic lunch... and we ended up spending a big chunk of the afternoon there playing and enjoying the day! - - I am pretty sure that Nicole and I said at least 50 times how gorgeous it was!!!
The boys were swinging, running, climbing and playing - at one point Owen even had Coopers shoes on???... it was so much fun watching them! On the swings little Mr. Owen decided that I wasn't good enough to push him anymore... and he asked "COLE" to push him!!! It was SOOOO SWEET! :) - - he had never called her by name before... and not NICOLE... COLE! :) hehe!

The boys ran and played together... not without injury of course... Owen had to take a tumble and ended up with a big "owie" on his forehead. Poor little thing! - I just hate seeing kids get hurt, it breaks my heart! After a good cry and some kisses and hugs from Mommy he was back on his way!
The boys were quite creative today... the soccer net at the park became a GIANT SPIDER WEB... and we were all (including Nicole and I) spiders caught in it!! hehe... it was pretty cute.
After the park we headed back to our house... Nicole had some laundry to do so we had Cooper stay and play for a little while. The boys (minus Owen - he napped most of the time) played upstairs in Parker's room, outside, down in the basement and watched Scooby Doo... yes, they were VERY busy! They even managed to get a little lovin' in with RALPH! :)

THANK YOU, Nic and Coop for the fun day!!! :) We had such a good time!

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