Thursday, December 18, 2008

Frosty the Snowman...

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul, with a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.

Ok... so it's not quite "Frosty" but this friendly snowman is sure adorable!!! :) The boys, Nick and Papa Hamann spent last Saturday sledding and building snowmen - - yes snowmen, two of them!! One at the middle school in Battle Creek and the other in the front yard at Nina and Papa's house!!! They had so much fun... or so I heard!! I spent the day at a craft show in I.G. which wasn't all that great unfortunately, but I still had fun! :)

After a full day, we spent the evening with family and turned in early as I wasn't feeling the best. It was so nice going to bed at 9ish!! :) I can't remember the last time I have done that! :) We ended up coming back early on Sunday since I still didn't feel well and I spent all day sleeping as well! By Sunday night I was all better. Just over-exhausted I think?!?! The sleep was much needed and I think that boosted my immune system too! :)

Friday night was Nick's annual Christmas party for work! It was a lot of fun this year!! We had dinner at Prairie Meadows and then went out with some co-workers for some karoake!!! Nick's boss, John and I got up and sang "Jackson" by June Carter and Johnny Cash (the man in black according to Nick)! It was fun... and who knew that John was such a Johnny Cash fan... and a great singer!!! :) I will need to practice up for next year!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)

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