Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008 - - A time for Celebration!

We hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS this year... we sure did! :)

We went to our church Tuesday night... it was a beautiful service... and the FIRST Christmas service we have ever got to attend at our church! It was so nice! :)

This year we traveled back to I.G. on Christmas Eve to make it to the Hamann's (extended) Family Christmas at the community building in B.C. for dinner! All of the Hamann's attend, so we get a chance to catch up with everyone! We had a great dinner (as usual), the kids opened gifts and played, and then we played our annual game of bingo where we have a gift exchange that we can steal presents away from each other - - which is always lots of fun! :) Here are a couple of pictures from Christmas Eve...

All of Grandma Hamann's Great-Grandchildren

Then on Christmas Day we headed over to Nina and Papa Hamann's in the morning for breakfast, stockings, gifts and lunch with the Hamann family (Dan & Kim and the girls and Don and Jane). Jane made her traditional cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then we headed to the family room for our gift opening! They boys were so excited to get to open presents!!! :) Parker told Nina Wilson that he didn't need to bring his toys with him to Nina and Papa's because they always give "BIG" presents!!! hehehe! All of our presents were GREAT... THANK YOU SO MUCH for all of the gifts!!! We had such a good time getting to spend time with everyone, hopefully next year we can figure out a way to make it last longer and not have to rush home to see what Santa brought! :) - - - Also, Kim we will be in touch about when we plan to go to the IMAX!! :) THANK YOU!
If you look close you can see Grace, Caroline, Parker and Owen and Ralph too! :)

After gifts we had a yummy lunch with turkey, ham, potatoes, veggies, and so on!! It was all so good! :) We were too full for desert this time... but the pie looked GREAT!! :)

Then we headed to my Mom's to get her and head back to Waukee for "our family" and "the Wilson" celebration. We had a scary ride home... Mom hit ice after Carroll and we were all over the highway! THANKFULLY we were able to get out of it and return safely to our side of the road, but not without a rapid heartbeat, several prayers, and a pit stop to re-group!

Once we got home we RAN in the house to see what Santa had brought... Owen didn't even get his coat off!! :) He was so anxious to see if Santa had brought him the piano he had asked him for! It was pretty sweet! :) Parker too was excited, but much more laid back! THANK YOU Nina Wilson for all of the gifts and for spending time with us back in Waukee... it was good to have you here! THANK YOU also for cooking so many meals and giving me a nice break! :) We love you!

Here are a couple of pics from our Christmas at home.

Our favorite gifts of the year...
Nick - the Dyson hand-held (from Nina & Papa Hamann)
Lori - my shelf!!! :) THANK YOU PAPA!!! and my Scrapbook cart (from Nick)
Parker - Batman Lego (from Nina & Papa Hamann)
Owen - Piano (from Santa!) #1/garbage truck (from Nina & Papa Hamann) #2

THANK YOU everyone... we enjoyed our time together and appreciate all of the presents!

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