Thursday, December 18, 2008

Parker's Christmas Program

Today was Parker's Christmas Program at school! He was a little upset this week when he told me his part in the program... he was a sheep (along with Cooper - who Parker said was also upset) but he wanted to be a Shepard (like Corbin - who was excited about being a Shepard). hehehe! Poor little thing... but he made such a cute sheep (as did Cooper)! :)

Parker was so lucky... Nina and Papa Hamann and Nina Wilson all came down to go to the program (even though the weather was going to turn bad)!! Aunt Kim and the girls all came too and Uncle Matt!! He might have had the biggest fan base there! :) hehe! It was so nice that everyone could come and see him "perform"! heheh! He was pretty shy as usual (why doesn't he ever act like that at home???) and only sang about 2 of the 4-5 songs but he did do all of the actions to the songs which was pretty cute! Afterwards we got to visit and have cookies and juice! Afterwards we had a tough time getting Owen to come home with us... he was ready to stay and start school today!!! I warned the teachers about him for next year!! Hopefully they will all be prepared! :)

Then we all went to lunch at Jason's Deli (thanks, Matt for the suggestion) which was really yummy!! Then came home to have cake and ice cream!! :) - - had to eat those little cakes we made!!

THANK YOU again everyone for being here for Parker's special day! - -We love you!!

Here are some pictures... sorry some are blurry!!

the animals...

After the program...

1 comment:

Christi said...

It brings a tear to my eyes to see the pictures. This is the first Christmas Program at Westview in three years we've missed. Kya continues to sing all the songs for us everyday. Miss you guys!!