Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Valentine....

Last week the boys got a special package in the mail.................. another Valentine from Meredith (Owen's Godmother) & Jonny (a.k.a. Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny)!!! They were so excited... they LOVE LOVE LOVE getting mail! :) They sent a cute V-day card each got a coloring book!! :) It was so cute... Parker was looking for them... he said, "Is Aunt Mere here? Where is she?" Even though it came in the mail, he thought she brought it to him!! I think this means we need a visitor!!! - - hint hint! :)THANK YOU so much guys!!!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Glad the boys enjoyed the present....we do need to get over and see you guys! I am sorry...i have been traveling for work... Lets get together soon :) we do miss the boys...well and you and Picker too