Monday, March 30, 2009

Wasserbahn Water Resort

This past weekend we decided to take the boys for a fun little getaway! On Friday we went to Williamsburg to do a little shopping and then on to the Amana water resort, Wasserbahn! We stayed overnight one night and had a GREAT time!!! The boys were so excited and LOVED every minute of our stay! :) We even had a great time... Nick said that this trip brought out the kid in him... he loved it! hehe!! :)
Parker and Nick could be found at the waterslides most of the time... and Parker seemed to think he was big enough to go on it multiple times without Daddy! Daddy felt a little left out! hehe! It was so odd to see Parker on a BIG slide... he is getting so big it just amazes us!
Owen LOVED playing basketball with Daddy in the "Big Pool" as he called it! They had a basketball hoop and balls and he had so much fun playing! He and I played lots of catch too and he would also jump off the side of the pool into my arms. He was having so much fun... the waterfalls, sprayers and bucket dumping were also favorites for him! He felt like such a big boy... he even went potty in the potty once while we were in the motel!!! We were so proud of him!
If anyone is interested in a trip here we would HIGHLY recommend it (as long as the strong chlorine doesn't bother you)! Here is their website:
Here are a few photos from our stay...

Everyday of the Week...

For the past few weeks we have been having a pretty busy schedule! Parker seems to think we should have a plan for EVERY night of the week. It goes something like this...

Monday - movie night (and popcorn too)
Tuesday - bath night (Ralph too - brush Ralph's teeth too)
Wednesday - book night
Thursday - computer night
Friday - game night
Saturday - Ice cream night
Sunday - Wii night

Really??? hehehe... he seems to think this works?!?! We have been doing some of these things tho... and have been enjoying it!
On Wednesday we had "Game Night" (even though it was out of our order - hehehe) as a family and then Nina Wilson came too, so the boys got in some good story time! :) We played Candy Land, Hungry Hungry Hippo and Wheels on the Bus! We all won some games of Hungry Hippo... Parker won at Candy Land and Owen won at Wheels on the Bus... and Parker got 2nd! :) It really was lots of fun! We had to remind Owen lots that it wasn't his turn, but it was still fun!! :)

As for the rest of the week I am still mad at myself for forgetting my camera!!! Aghhh! We went to the mall to play on Wednesday and had a great time with Cooper and Nicole and then Corbin, Parker, Braxton and Owen came with me! We had lunch there too!
Then on Thursday I took Owen and Avery to Story Time at the library! Nina came with us and we met Kim and the girls again and Laci and her daycare kids came too! It was again another fun story time even though we didn't get to stay and play afterwards since we had to get Parker from school. Cooper came home with us from school and the boys played and we had lunch together! Again... another fun day! :)
We are loving the nice weather when we get it... we have been playing outside and going on short walks most days! We are REALLY looking forward to being able to go out all of the time!

Monday, March 23, 2009


For anyone interested... my brother has lost 40lbs over the course of 2 months!!! He is doing GREAT GREAT GREAT on his qwest to lose weight and I am so proud of him! If you are interested in finding out how he is doing it and what keeps him motivated... check out his blog! I have it listed on the sidebar of my page and here is the link:

Way to go Matt (a.k.a. Uncle Bubba)... you are doing GREAT! :)

Monday Night Movie

Every Monday night we typically rent a Redbox DVD for the kids... we get a coupon for a free rental and they get to pick it out! They picked out "Bolt" tonight! Then Nick and the boys cuddled in together on the chair to prepare for the show... and I couldn't resist a photo! :) Here are my boys!!!

Science Center - Hamann/Edsen Families

Friday we spent the morning at the Science Center (Nick had the day off - yeah)! Don and Jane came to town and Kim and the girls all joined us for a day of family fun! :) It was everyone's first time there except the boys and I. It was lots of fun... and there was plenty to keep the kids interested! They were super busy because of Spring break... but we were still able to get around to everything! - - we even saw Kim Hinkhouse (a former Ida Grovian) and her sister and their kids there!

Here are the kiddos enjoying the GIANT bubble tubs!

A puppet show...

... and a weather forcast!

As you can see... everyone enjoyed themselves! :) So glad we all got to go together! THANK YOU for lunch too Nina and Papa!! :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Zoo Trip for 2009!

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY everyone!! :)

Today was GORGEOUS!!! It was 71 out and we took advantage of the GREAT weather and went to the zoo for the first time this year! :) We asked Amy and Mallory & Avery to come along too! As the day went on it got warmer and warmer out... it was soooo nice! We stayed at the zoo for a couple of hours and then grabbed lunch and headed home for naps. It was tons of fun!! THANKS for coming along with us!! :)
The kids...

Mallory - picture by Parker! :)

Another one of many pictures by Parker! :)

If you can't tell from the photo... Mallory had the idea to color shamrocks on the kids' faces so they each had a shamrock and Parker and Owen also had one on their hands! :)

Weekend "GETAWAY"

This past weekend we had a "GIRL'S" weekend! It was fun-filled with going out, food, singing, scrapping and late nights! Robyn came to stay with me all weekend and we went out to sing karaoke on Friday night with some friends and then Saturday morning got up bright and early for scrapping at Archivers all day/night! We met up with Kim Edsen (my sister-in-law - - and friend, right Kim?) and were later joined by Candi and her friends Kim and Penny. It was a fun time! - -and much needed!

Here are some photos from our night out...

Here is our "SCRAP" day at Archivers!!! (Kim left before the cameras came out :(!)

Birthday Fun

Thursday we got to go to Hallie's birthday party at Jumping Jacks! It was lots of fun and we got to meet some of Hallie's school friends too! Hallie turned 5 and had a High School Musical birthday! Here are a few pictures from the day! (I forgot my camera so I am stealing the pictures from Candi - - THANKS!! :)) THANKS for inviting us and THANKS for the FUN day!!!
Hallie and all of her friends at the party!


The BIRTHDAY girl!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weekend FUN!

This was a busy weekend for us... Friday night we went out to dinner with Alicia for her birthday! We went to Champs and got to meet some of Alicia's friends! It was a fun time!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA!! While we were out having a nice dinner... our good friends Mere and Jonny came to watch the boys! They had a blast!!! Mere brought art activities for the boys and Parker and Jonny played the Wii! Parker is always asking to get to play the Wii with Jonny... so he was in heaven! They had pizza ordered in and all had a blast! THANK YOU guys for watching the boys! Good to see you and catch up a little... we need to do it more often though!

We spent most of the day Saturday hanging around the house and being lazy... which I LOVE!! :) Then Saturday night we headed out to the Bucs Hockey game with Nicole, Lily and Cooper (Brad was working)! We had a GREAT time!!! The boys got jerseys from the Chiafos'.... they are SOOOO excited about them! We had a tough time getting Owen to take his off!!! THANK YOU guys!!! :) Here are the kids being silly before the game!

We unfortunately forgot to take our camera to the game... so no more pictures. :(
Then on Sunday we hung out at home again and did our weekly grocery shopping! Then Nina and Papa Hamann stopped by to say hello and visit!!! :) It was great to see you guys!!! Thanks for stopping by!

Haircut ANYONE???

The title says it all!!! :)

This last week we decided it was time for haircuts for all my boys... Nick, Parker and Owen! So me being the hair cutter that I am, I got out the clippers and scissors and got to work! Owen was first... and we did a nice little trim.

Next was Parker... he has told me FOREVER how he wants to be able to put gel in his hair... so I asked him "Parker, do you want me to cut it so you can put gel in your hair?" He said YES! I said, "Are you sure... it will be really short!" He said YES!!! So I did! :) He looks so grown up... and pretty handsome too! He LOVES it... he can't stop looking in the mirror and some days we apply gel more than once! hehe! He is too funny!

Last was Nick... just a normal trim for him!
Then on Saturday... our buddy Cooper came over and I cut his hair too! :) I was quite the beautician this past weekend! They all look so cute!

Parker - BEFORE

Parker - AFTER

Owen being silly!