Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weekend FUN!

This was a busy weekend for us... Friday night we went out to dinner with Alicia for her birthday! We went to Champs and got to meet some of Alicia's friends! It was a fun time!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA!! While we were out having a nice dinner... our good friends Mere and Jonny came to watch the boys! They had a blast!!! Mere brought art activities for the boys and Parker and Jonny played the Wii! Parker is always asking to get to play the Wii with Jonny... so he was in heaven! They had pizza ordered in and all had a blast! THANK YOU guys for watching the boys! Good to see you and catch up a little... we need to do it more often though!

We spent most of the day Saturday hanging around the house and being lazy... which I LOVE!! :) Then Saturday night we headed out to the Bucs Hockey game with Nicole, Lily and Cooper (Brad was working)! We had a GREAT time!!! The boys got jerseys from the Chiafos'.... they are SOOOO excited about them! We had a tough time getting Owen to take his off!!! THANK YOU guys!!! :) Here are the kids being silly before the game!

We unfortunately forgot to take our camera to the game... so no more pictures. :(
Then on Sunday we hung out at home again and did our weekly grocery shopping! Then Nina and Papa Hamann stopped by to say hello and visit!!! :) It was great to see you guys!!! Thanks for stopping by!

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