Sunday, March 1, 2009

Artwork... and our weekend

We had a GREAT weekend this past weekend! We went back to I.G. for me to do taxes and we stayed with Nina and Papa Hamann. The boys spent all day/night with Nina and Papa and Nick did some things for my Mom and a friend. Then Saturday after I was done working... Nick took me out to dinner in Anthon (which was where we had our first 'real' date when we started dating)! It was so nice to get away after having such a busy month!! :) Afterwards we went to Dawn and Andy's for a good 'ol game of dice! It was great getting to catch up with everyone... thanks for having us out! ... and thanks for your contribution to Nick's winnings!! hehe! We had so much fun!
We unfortunately forgot our camera this weekend... so we don't have any pictures to post... except for Parker's artwork!!! Parker colored this picture on Friday afternoon... and told me what each animal was... I was SOOO IMPRESSED!!! He did such a GREAT job!

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