Monday, March 23, 2009

Science Center - Hamann/Edsen Families

Friday we spent the morning at the Science Center (Nick had the day off - yeah)! Don and Jane came to town and Kim and the girls all joined us for a day of family fun! :) It was everyone's first time there except the boys and I. It was lots of fun... and there was plenty to keep the kids interested! They were super busy because of Spring break... but we were still able to get around to everything! - - we even saw Kim Hinkhouse (a former Ida Grovian) and her sister and their kids there!

Here are the kiddos enjoying the GIANT bubble tubs!

A puppet show...

... and a weather forcast!

As you can see... everyone enjoyed themselves! :) So glad we all got to go together! THANK YOU for lunch too Nina and Papa!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great pictures of the kids! I have to download mine yet - I'll email you any good ones (love the ones of the girls doing the "weather forecast"...I am partial tho :)