Sunday, April 12, 2009

EASTER 2009...

We had a VERY busy Easter this year!!! We started out celebrating with our Easter party at daycare on Thursday! We dyed eggs, had an egg hunt outside, got presents and made and ate treats. Here are some fun pictures of our day!

Then we headed back to I.G. on Friday after Nick got off work to spend the weekend with family! We took the boys to the egg hunt at Moorehead park on Saturday morning and they got tons of eggs as usual!! They got to see the Easter bunny too! We saw some friends there too... which was great! :)

Then we went back to Nina Wilson's for lunch, presents and naps and ended up rearranging her living room! :) It turned out nice and we helped her move some things downstairs too to give it a fresh look! :)

After some playing and bubble blowing at Nina Wilson's for awhile we headed over to Nina and Papa Hamann's for another Easter Egg hunt!!! After the hunt the kids all opened presents and played outside and then we had a nice Easter dinner that Jane made!

Then after all of the festivities on Saturday night we headed back to Waukee! My brother came over and went to the Easter service at our church Sunday morning with us... and then out to brunch with my at the Radish in Grimes. It was a GREAT Easter this year!!! We enjoyed getting to see everyone and spending time with everyone even if it was a quick trip! Hope everyone's EASTER was as HAPPY as ours!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

What a great daycare you have----look at all the fun things you do!!! You also had a busy weekend, but I think it is much better to be busy than not, that means we have lots of people to spend the holiday with! Great pictures! Good to see you----for a minute :) at the Easter egg hunt!

Mere and Jonny said...

Love all the pics of the boys and their Easter! Looks like they got some good things and had fun. You guys were busy traveling.
Talk soon!

Lori Schafer said...

Lori, your boys are adorable!