Sunday, April 12, 2009

Past Week...

This past week has been so busy with field trips, re-painting and redecorating our main floor bathroom, playing outside and running here and there! I did manage to snap a few pictures (not many) and thought I would share! We went to the park this week since we had some nice weather and had a picnic lunch!! We also went to 'story time at the library which has become a Thursday ritual for us! :) Then spent Friday with Nicole and Cooper - which is always lots of fun! Here are a few random pictures!

Owen playing outside... doing his FAVORITE thing - riding the GATOR! :)

Owen LOVING his puppy! :)

Here are a few pictures of me and the boys working on the bathroom! :) Thought it would be fun for them to get to help on the first coat!! :) - - - they LOVED it!!! Hope they don't think they can paint on the walls anytime!!! hehehe! :)

The finished product...

I am still looking for some towel holders yet for the daycare kids to have their own hooks with their own towels and wash cloths on their own hook so will post another picture when I find something I like! :) - this was one of my hardest remodels!!! I first painted it all the brighter green and didn't like it and then changed the bottom to the darker green which is our current dining room color (hope to change that soon too)! Now I think it all tied in with the towels and rug... so I am happy!! :) Lots of work though! :)


Kim said...

Oh Heavens - I love the picture of Owen with Ralph - that is just precious! It was good to see this weekend!

Mere and Jonny said...

I love your bathroom! Owen is sooo stinkin' cute! We need to get together.

Unknown said...

Nina Wilson luvs your "new" colors in the bathroom. Totally awesome!!! You can come & decorate 4 your mom any day. lol