Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Taking Advantage of the Weather!

This past weekend and this week has been a RAINY mess! Finally after storms and tons of rain we got a nice day on Tuesday... so of course we had to get out and take advantage of it! We picked up Parker from school and invited Cooper and Nicole to join us at the park for some fun! It was in the 60's and SUNNY! :) It was beautiful out! We didn't stay too long since it was already almost lunch time... but while we were there Avery ran into a friend from preschool and we also got to meet a gorgeous GREAT DANE (a.k.a. Scooby dog)! The kids had a blast as usual and then we headed home to have lunch and take a nap! It was a great break from all the rain! Here are a few pictures from the day.


Anonymous said...

Another Wilson checking in. I like the Blog. Hope Uncle Harold is feeling better.

Dave and Cindy

Mere and Jonny said...

Sounds like a nice day with all the kids at the park!