Friday, July 10, 2009

Incredible Pizza Company!!!

Tuesday night we got to go check out Urbandale's latest excitement!!! Candi & Ryan got us a coupon for a FREE night of fun!!! - - THANK YOU!!!! We had a GREAT time and hope you all did as well on Wednesday!!! :)
Incredible Pizza Company is the name of the business... and it had TONS of stuff for the kids to do! There was go-karts, bumper cars, mini golf, games galore, bowling, a play area, etc. etc.!!! Seriously.... so much to do!! Our boys loved it!!! We all rode the go-karts but Owen was too small for the bumper cars so just Daddy and Parker did those! I didn't get a ton of pictures of the night... but am including a few! The pizza was great as well! They had a huge buffet!! For this event... we all got in FREE, got a buffet and each also got a $10 gift card to use while we were there! We will definitely go back sometime soon! THANKS again Ryan & Candi!!! Next time we will have to go together!! :)

Owen & Daddy getting in their go-kart!

A random picture of the go-karts...

In the play area.... Parker found his FAVORITE thing to do - COLOR! :)

The race care outside... (Owen wanted to drive it!!) :)

1 comment:

{find joy in the journey} said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. We have a place very similar to that down here- and we LOVE it.