Friday, July 17, 2009

More on Parker....

Surgery is complete.... it went well!!! A little over an hour! He was in recovery for a while and we are now discharged (around 10:30 ish) heading back home!!! The cyst did have some blood in it so they are sending it to pathology to be sure all is well - the dr is not too concerned! We thought our team was EXCELLENT - our dr was GREAT! He is a little sick to his stomach and is on pain meds! We are GRATEFUL! Thanks for the prayers!
He will be sore for about a week... then in about 3 weeks he will be back to normal activities. In two months we will go in for another x-ray to be sure that the bone is regrowing in the area where the cyst was.
We are home (got home around 1:30ish) and he is resting and coloring up a storm. He has pain and isn't able to bear weight too much. They did say that he may not walk on it today but should be able to tomorrow. He hates his pain meds (great!) and fights us everytime we have to give him some. - poor little guy. He has been eating graham crackers only for now.

I am adding some pictures from the hospital! Parker was a little trooper! After he realized surgery was over he said to Daddy... "Daddy I was tough!" :) - - oh we love that little boy! :)

In recovery... Parker got juice and a popsicle! Of course Owen wanted one too and the nurse got him one too! :)


Christi said...

Glad to hear everything went well. Looks like they enjoyed swimming with Nick:)

Candi Ladwig said...

love the pics :) he looks like a little trooper in the "scrubs"!

Mere and Jonny said...

So glad the surgery went well. We didn't get back til late last night so didn't have time to stop over. I will run something over to parker over lunch one of these days. I am so glad he did well and will be thinking of you guys! Love the swimming pool pics! how fun! get feeling better too

Monica said...

Glad to hear it went well. I'm sure he will back to his old self in no time! Looks like a fun time for Nickers at the pool!