Monday, July 13, 2009

My Mom's SURPRISE remodel!

The past 2 weekends Nick and I worked on remodeling my Mom's bedroom and master bath while she was in Canada! We wanted to surprise her with a NEW space that was relaxing and all hers! We also did lots of odds and ends around the house for her to get things organized before she returned and before she has her ankle fusion (my poor Mom has lots of pain).
Some of the things we did included: new window hardware, new curtains, new bedding, new pictures and frames, new flooring in the bathroom, new bathroom hardware, paint, new lighting, etc. Nick worked on outdoor projects too! We had lots to get done and not a lot of time to do it!
It was fun getting to create a new space for my Mom and the best part was that she had NO idea!
Thank you Nina & Papa for helping so much with the boys so we could get this done... we REALLY appreciate it! :)
Here is a look at our work...

The bedroom BEFORE:

The bedroom AFTER:

The bathroom BEFORE:

The bathroom AFTER:

... I will add a flooring photo, I forgot to take one! :)

The kitchen AFTER: (we added the mirror and vinyl wall words)


Christi said...

Everything turned out GREAT!!! I know your mom is going to LOVE it!! Thanks for sharing the photos I was curious to see how it all turned out:) You guys did an awesome job!

Jodi Lansink said...

Lori, that is awesome you did that for your mom!! It looks great!

Candi Ladwig said...

Wow!! It's no wonder she was in tears! It looks sooooo nice!

Alicia said...

I'm starting to think you weren't really sick. Hmmmm....

It looks great.. Your mamma is a lucky one to have kids like you!!