Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Past Week

This past week has been maybe the best all summer! :) We spent most of the week RELAXING! We hung out at home almost every night and were in bed early too! We needed this... with Parker starting school and us having a super busy summer, it was time for a little SLOW DOWN! I worked on a few screen orders and had some errands here and there... which in the midst of all that Nick and I got this sofa table on craigslist that we are sanding and refinishing to add to our family room so we are excited about that! - - $30! I love a good buy! The boys have spent some time in the pool and on their bikes before summer ends... but other than that not a lot to blog on. Unfortunately I have no pictures to post, but if there were pictures, you can bet we would all be SMILING! :)
Tomorrow is Parker's FIRST day of kindergarten! Nick is working from home in the morning so we can both see our baby off! Hard to believe this day is here already. - - I will post pics tomorrow... wish him and us luck! :)

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