Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Visitors...

We got some suprise visitors the other night... Brenton and Alicia stopped by to bring the boys (and me) the movie Madagascar 1 to borrow! We have seen Madagascar2 and LOVE IT so she thought we had better see the first one too! THANK YOU ALICIA!! :) I promise we will get it back to you soon... I have only seen parts so far and I have to see it all! :) Anyways... during their visit the boys were in a silly mood and they got a little crazy with the camera and with the ink pen! Poor Brenton had tattoos all over his arm when Parker was done with him! - - hope it wasn't too hard to get off! At least it wasn't a sharpie, right! :)

THANKS for stopping by guys... as always it was great to see you! :)

this was just the beginning... :)

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I don't know that everyone needs to see these pictures of me, but, eh, what the heck, I'm a good sport, right? I love your boys, they make me laugh!!! Hope to see you all again soon!