Monday, August 31, 2009

State Fair 2009

As usual we made our annual trip to the State Fair with Dawn and Andy... this year Tim and Jen came along too! It was so great to not be walking around sweating this year... it was in the 70's for a change and it was nice! :) We had our share of grease on a stick... and like years past, it was great! I never did get my banana on a stick that I wanted tho. :( Every year we have to make a visit to the tractors... the boys love it and secretly I think Nick and Andy do too! :) I didn't get a ton of pictures... but here are a few!

The boys at the ARMY booth... checking out the hummer!

Tractor time...

The guys...

Dawn & Jen...

More MACHINE fun...

Parker's FAVORITE part of the fair... getting his IOWA Hawkeye shirt/hat and a picture with Herky!!! :) He is a bit of a nut for the hawkeyes these days... it's kinda funny! He was pretty bummed that they were out of posters and tatoos!

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