Friday, October 30, 2009


Sorry for such a long delay in the posts... we have had our fair share of sickness at the Hamann house! Parker and I both had H1N1... he was out of school for a week (he had to miss his leader day and his Halloween party - so he was really bummed) and I was down for about 2 weeks and had a hospital stay too! It was a LONG recovery... but we are both well and luckily Nick and Owen steered clear!
Now our dog, Ralph is sick too... we took him to the vet and he has pancreatitis. He is having a really tough time and seems to be getting worse... we will keep you updated on what we find out. Please say a little prayer for our favorite furry friend... he has been a part of our likfe for 8-1/2 years and we love him very much!

Friday, October 23, 2009

School Fire Dept. Visit

Last week the Kindergarten class got a visit from the fire department! Parker came home and told us all about it and then his teacher emailed us this picture so I thought I would share! :) If you can't spot Parker he is the one who looks like he is try to fly in the back!!! hehehe! :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Early Halloween Surprises...

from Nina and Papa Hamann! They stopped by for a quick visit a few weeks ago and brought the boys their Halloween presents early! The boys were super excited... here are a few pictures! Thanks Nina and Papa Hamann!!! :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Patch's Pumpkin Patch

We took advantage of the beautiful weather today and decided to take a trip to a pumpkin patch... we debated where to go... we thought about going to Winterset, Cumming, Deal's Apple Orchard, Mitchellville, Cambridge, and the list goes on! We decided to stick close to home today instead of travelling and headed over to Adel to Patch's Pumpkin Patch! We were pleasantly surprised... and had such a good time! Last year we went to Winterset to the Red Rooster... and loved it... so our expectations were high... and Patch's met them! :)
There were hay rides, bounce houses, a tractor pulling carts for the kids, horse rides, a little petting zoo, yummy snacks, and so on! Definitely a great place to visit for all the locals! :)
Here are a few pictures of our day...

The kids on their tractor pulled ride!! :)

A look at their patch! :)

The kids' favorite place! :)

In the maze... the boys and I did this... and it was so cute to watch them make their way through! :)

Our silly boys...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Festival at Point of Grace

This past Saturday was our annual FALL FESTIVAL at our church! Candi, Carmel and the girls all joined us again this year for some candy, face painting, games and bouce houses! Parker was a Hawkeye Football player and Owen wanted to be the black Spiderman! Candi's girls were ADORABLE as usual... I didn't get great pics, but included the few I got! Little miss Piper was a butterfly, no a moth, no wait... she was tinkerbell! :) hehehe! We had a good time... and of course the kids were excited about all the candy and fun!

Parker taking on a CYCLONE fan in the bungy game... unfortunately Parker lost - maybe it had something to do with the fact that the other kids was like 12 years old!?!?! Anyways... it was fun for him!! :)

Wanted to include these... but some are super hard to see... I need a new camera badly! :)

Jumping in the bounce house! (again another bad one... my settings don't work well!)

Face painting...

Thanks again Candi for joining us this year... we had a great time... and hope you all did too! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Keokuk Trip...

This past weekend we went to Keokuk to visit the Wilson family! We try to go down at least twice a year... in the fall and in the spring since my grandparents winter in Texas. As usual we had a good time visiting with everyone! This trip I didn't get a chance to catch up with any old friends... so hopefully next trip there will be more time for this.

Owen and Parker were taking pictures...

Here are some cute ones and some silly ones with the boys and their great-grandparents and Nina.

My poor Grandma... :)

Aunt Marlene taught the boys how to play hot/cold hide-n-seek! She would hide a toy from them and then allow them to come in the room and would tell them if they were hot or cold! It was hilarious... the toy even got hid on Grandma's head!! hehehe! They loved it! :) Thanks for playing with them Aunt Marlene! :)

And.... there isn't a trip to Grandma & Grandpa's house without their famous STRAWBERRIES! As usual... they were delicious!!! We even got pictures of Owen to prove it...

and finally... the "HAPPY COUPLE" - :) We love these 2... they are the best grandparents!!!