Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Lights 2009

We got all of our decorations up this past weekend... which is always a chore but fun to see the finished produt! :)... here are a few pictures!


Here is our living room...

This is our balcony area... this is our "FAMILY" tree! The boys get to help with this one every year and LOVE it!! We had lots of fun this year putting it up! :)

Lastly... here is the outside lights! We were just heading out to go look at lights ourselves! :)

and... the backyard! The boys got snowmen lights from Nina and Papa Hamann the year before last and this year they wanted to put them up out back so Tucker could see at night to go potty! hehehe! :) So thoughtful!! Here is their fancy work!!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

Great Decorating!!! I love the idea of a family tree---we just have 1 tree that I put all the ornaments on, would be nice to have a "nice pretty" tree, and a fun, ornament tree! Might have to think about that! The house looks great too--good job Nick!

Mere and Jonny said...

Love the house decorating pics. you did a great job :) So festive and cute! Nicker did a good job on the lights! Hope he had a good Birthday :) see you in a few weeks!! Hope tucker is doing well too!

Christi said...

Your house is always decorated sooo nice, I love it.