Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday PARKER!!!

Our little Parker turned 6 YEARS OLD on Friday! I am still in denial that this all can be happening... it seems like yesterday we brought this beautiful baby boy home from the hospital and here we are 6 years later... time has sure flown by! We are so proud of the little boy he has become... he makes us so proud!
He asked for a Hawkeye birthday (no surprises here) so we started the festivities on Friday morning before school and gave him his new Hawkeye (white) jersey so of course he had to change!! :)

Then on Saturday instead of having a big party this year (with all of our drama with H1N1 and Ralph) we decided to just invite 1 friend and go to Incredible Pizza for an afternoon of fun! - - and we had a GREAT time!! :) Parker picked his friend Nathan from school and the boys all had a great time as so did we! :) Here are a few pictures of our day!

Later that night we had our "FAMILY" celebration at our house! Nina & Papa Hamann, Nina Wilson, Uncle Dan, Aunt Kim, Grace and Caroline, Uncle Bubba (Matt) and our family were all there to celebrate with Parker! He got some GREAT gifts... he was so excited! THANK YOU everyone!! :) Here are some pictures from the night.

The Cake...
I made the cake... and chose to do the jersey in yellow (since it is Parker's favorite color and I thought it would look nicer than ALL black or white) and I got in trouble... Parker and Nick informed me that their jersey's are NOT yellow (like I don't know that!) - - Oh well, it looked cuter being yellow! :)

We had a great day celebrating Parker's 6th birthday!

Happy Birthday Parker Matthew... we LOVE you so much!!


Christi said...

Wow time flies......... Happy Birthday, Parker!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like a fun birthday!! Great presents, and LOVE the cake!!! I agree---the yellow looks great!