Monday, November 16, 2009

One last day

Today was the last day we would ever get to hug, cuddle and kiss our Ralphy. He has been in so much pain and we had to make that horrible, dreaded choice to end his suffering. We hated to do it... but it is so hard to watch your dog (who has been so loyal, loving, gentle and kind) suffering. The medication wasn't working... he wasn't eating.... and was vomitting, crying, sleeping all day, having trouble walking and shaking.
This has been such a hard decision... Parker is so attached to Ralph and my heart aches even more watching his little heart break into pieces. The first thing he said this morning is "Mom, is Ralph going to die today?" Unfortunately I had to tell him yes and the tears just poured out for both of us. He cried and cried and told me he doesn't want another puppy... he just wants Ralph! - - I wish that it were that easy.... I would rather have Ralph too! I stopped into school today to check on Parker at lunch and he was holding up... I had sent his teacher and email about everything... and she said that it was the first thing that Parker said to her this morning! :( - - she asked Parker if he wanted to talk to the guidance counsler about his dog today and he did... I am sure talking about it will make it a little easier for him.
Owen doesn't really understand... he knows Ralph went to "Doggie Heaven" today, but not sure he understands that he won't be coming back! :(
Nick and I have been a wreck since this whole pancreatitis started (I more than him with the increased hormones)! We have talked and talked... and cried and cried about what to do and when today came.... it ripped our hearts apart! Ralph has been a part of our lives for 8-1/2 years... and never... NEVER had any issues... he wasn't obese (like many bassets), he had no health concerns (other than his arthritis in his leg - but not severe), and even our vet thought he would live a long life since he was so fit and healthy.

We are sad...... our hearts ache! This is a new experience for me... and one I definitely was not prepared for.

Here are a photos from Ralph's last day with us. We love you Ralphy!!!

Ralph (a.k.a. Ralphy/Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) Hamann
May 14, 2001-November 16, 2009


Mere and Jonny said...

This is the sadest thing I've ever read!!! OMG!!! I am bawling at work!! :( Ralph was such a good dog Lori! I am going to miss him too!!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do and if you need a shoulder to cry on!!!! I am so sorry!!!

{find joy in the journey} said...

I too was had the tears flowing reading this post. So sorry about your family's loss! *HUGS*

Monica said...

So sorry to hear about Ralph. I can't imagine. Ralph was such a sweetie

Jodi Lansink said...

Awww.....that makes my heart is so hard to watch your kids breaks my heart when Ellie and Malia cry about missing just want to take the pain away from them.....poor Parker!! But looks like he has a new friend...wont replace Ralph, but might make the hurt a little better!