Monday, November 23, 2009

One More Present...

Although we had originally planned to wait until summer to get another puppy... our sad little boy (Parker) made us change our mind! We went and picked up this new little guy in Altoona... for Parker's birthday! :) Parker and Owen had the final choice in his name... and they picked TUCKER!
Tucker is 9 weeks old and is a cock-a-poo! He will be about 18-25 lbs when he is full-grown but is only 7lbs right now! Other than some accidents (that are already driving me crazy but at least not on the carpet)... we are already falling in love with this little guy! :) Welcome to our crazy family Tucker... good luck to you! :)
Parker tells me 2 secrets everyday........... "Mom, I miss Ralph so much" and "Mom, I love Tucker"... so hopefully Tucker will be Parker's new best bud... cause we know how much he misses Ralph and it breaks my heart that he is hurting so bad!!

Here he is with Uncle Dan, Aunt Kim and Caroline at Parker's party!

Just a few other photos... I will be sure to post some with the boys when I have more time! :)


Christi said...

What a cute little guy:)

Monica said...

So cute! As if you didn't have your hands full enough, crazy girl. Can't wait to meet the new puppy. Happy potty training! Jack would love to play anytime!

Alicia said...

Tucker is a very handsome little fella!! I can't wait to meet him!!

Jodi Lansink said...

How have I missed like your last 10 posts?!?!? It doesn't show it is updating on my blog? Anyway----what a cute puppy!!!! Better check out your other posts now!

Mere and Jonny said...

Can't wait to meet him!!!