Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby #3's Nursery!!!

We have been working on baby #3's nursery for awhile and finally have everything (except wall art/decor) completed! I am soooo excited and anxiously awaiting this little guys arrival!! :) I painted all of the walls "sprout green" and the crib wall "chocolate brown". We were able to get a new crib for this little guy since our last one was recalled (and it was FREE - - what a deal)!! We have added new baskets and bedding to make his nursery all his own... and we love it! :)

Here are the curtains - - made by my friend Katy!!! - - THANK YOU!!! We LOVE them!!! They match PERFECTLY!

The changing table (made by my dad - - the last thing he made me) we added all of the dark baskets and got liners for the smaller ones.
Here is our FREE crib!! :) - - and the new bedding! - - We ordered the bedding from the same place we ordered the fabric for the curtains, so they match perfectly!! :)

Here is the book shelf (same one we've had for the other 2 boys) - - again we added new baskets to bring in the brown!! :)

I even found brown and green canvas bins for the closet so everything coordinates!! :) - - we haven't gotten out all of our clothes yet, so that is the next task - to bring them out of the attic and get them washed up so our little guy has something to wear when he comes home!!!

Here are the new little blankets I order from my friend Katy also... she does GREAT work!! :) - - I love that the fabric also matches the curtains and bedding perfectly!! :) I am ordering a larger blanket to throw over my rocking chair (a gift from my dad) and a pillow case  for a small pillow to set on the rocking chair!

If you are interested in checking out Katy's items... here is her site:! - - she does a GREAT job and has GREAT items! :)

It is all coming together... and I am having so much fun working on it! - - Now I need to do some "sweet talking" to Papa Hamann so he will make me some wood pieces so I can paint the letters of the baby's name on them when we decide what it will be! :)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Family Movie Night at Church

Last night our church hosted a Family Movie Night!! I am not sure if they have ever done this before... but it was such a GREAT idea and the boys LOVED it!! They showed the movie "Pistachio - The Little Boy Who Woodn't"... a VeggieTales movie that is due to be released soon! It was such a cute movie... it is about a boy who doesn't listen to his father and has lots of trouble... when he realizes it is important to listen to his father his life is much happier! - - a GREAT lesson for our kiddos!! :) - - I know our boys need more help in this area!! :)

They had popcorn, juice, water and pop for concessions (and they were super cheap)... so it was just like going to a real movie without the expense (the movie was FREE)!!! Afterwards they gave each kid a little baggie with a color sheet, sticker, sucker and activity sheet!

It was a fun night... I hope they offer more of these "Family Movie Nights" - - we will definitely be attending if they do! :)

Parker's PBS Assembly

Yesterday (Friday) Waukee Elementary had a PBS Assembly! PBS promotes being SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, CARING, and RESPECTABLE! This is an assembly to reward good behavior... the kids earn tickets for good behavior and can purchase toys and other items with the tickets they receive. Then as a school they have an assembly and dump all of the earned (redeemed) tickets in a bucket to show all of the positive behavior the kids at Waukee Elementary have been demonstrating!

Parker gets so excited to get a ticket... and then on Fridays (not every Friday) they get to bring their tickets and cash them in for a prize! They are little things, but the kids get so excited about it! :)

So... the 3rd graders and Ms. Reed's kindergarten class got to sing the safety song and hold up the numbers for the assembly! :) Here are some photos!! :)

Here is the principal (Mrs. Tjaden) and the asst. principle (Mr. Schumaker) acting out a skit for the kids! - -it was so cute!! :)
Here the 3rd graders and kindergarteners are holding up their numbers for the skit!

And finally they got to sing their safety song... and Parker actually sang!!! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

30 weeks!

I am 30 weeks along now... and getting super excited to meet this little guy!!! Had my check up today and all is well! - - measuring on track, strong heartbeat, I have gained 14 lbs and my doctor is happy with my health! So all-in-all a GREAT appointment!! :)

Also... we found out yesterday that Parker's class gets to be in an assembly at school today with the 3rd graders and will be singing!! - - it's only one song, but he is excited about it and so are we!! :) - just hoping Nick can get home in time to join Owen and I! I am hoping to get a few pics... but it will depend on where we get to sit! - wish me luck! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Family Fun Night - January

Last Tuesday we took the boys to Family Fun Night at Valley West Mall! They don't have it during November and December so we were excited to get to go again finally in January!! :) - - for anyone interested, it is the LAST Tuesday of the month! The special guests this month were "Winnie the Pooh" and "Tiger!" They always have the inflatables for the kids to play on, a craft table, face painting, etc. - - however the line for facepainting was WAY TOO LONG to wait for that!! The boys had a great time as usual and afterwards we hit up the food court for dinner! It was a fun night! :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Caroline & Grace!!!

This past weekend we went over to Dan & Kim's to celebrate Caroline & Grace's 3rd birthday! They had a house full there to celebrate... and it was such a fun time! I wanted to post some pictures from the day and share the cute invitations Kim got too!

The ADORABLE invitations...

The CAKES...
If I remember correctly, Caroline wanted Dora and Grace wanted Princess! :)

I LOVE getting to buy for these little girls, so I had a fun time shopping! :)

Caroline on the left with her new ladybug backpack and Grace on the right with her butterfly backpack! :)

Enjoying their kaleidascopes from Grandma & Grandpa Edsen! :)

Opening more PRESENTS...

The birthday girls... (and Owen)

Parker LOVING the punch! :)

We hope you had a GREAT birthday! :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rice Krispy House

I got a call yesterday from our neighbor... she had bought a Rice Krispy Kit (like a gingerbread house but flat) from Bed Bath & Beyond (where she works) and thought that the boys would enjoy doing it!! - - she already had the rice krispies made up in the little house she had her daughter run it over to us and we spent the evening decorating the houses! It was a fun little project! :) THANK YOU Judy!! :)

Here is a look at their beautiful houses! :)

The Supplies...

Parker loves this sort of thing... :)

The Finished Houses...