Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Break...

As I mentioned earlier... Owen got a camera for Christmas from Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan... and he has been LOVING it!! He has been taking pictures non-stop... and every now and then he gets a good one! hehehe! :) Here are a few from his camera that he took during our Christmas break!

Parker is holding their animals who are now sporting NEW outfits courtesy of Nina and Papa Hamann (they got the boys giftcards to Build-A-Bear)! Owen's is the Frog - - who is wearing a NEW Firefighter costume with the hat and boots!!! Parker's is the puppy wearing a HAWKEYE shirt, football shoes and carrying a football! :) They had lots of fun picking out new clothes for their animals... THANK YOU Nina & Papa!! :)

The boys got lots of money for Christmas too... which went towards more Wii games!! - - Parker picked out Mario Bros. (our favorite) and Owen picked out Alvin & The Chipmunks the Squeakquel (a cute singing game)!

Owen got a good one of Uncle Bubba and his bottle of Coke! :)

We spent lots of time playing games over break... both board games and Wii games!! :)

and lastly... Parker got one of Owen and I... a little blurry, but still worth sharing! :)

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