Saturday, January 30, 2010

Parker's PBS Assembly

Yesterday (Friday) Waukee Elementary had a PBS Assembly! PBS promotes being SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, CARING, and RESPECTABLE! This is an assembly to reward good behavior... the kids earn tickets for good behavior and can purchase toys and other items with the tickets they receive. Then as a school they have an assembly and dump all of the earned (redeemed) tickets in a bucket to show all of the positive behavior the kids at Waukee Elementary have been demonstrating!

Parker gets so excited to get a ticket... and then on Fridays (not every Friday) they get to bring their tickets and cash them in for a prize! They are little things, but the kids get so excited about it! :)

So... the 3rd graders and Ms. Reed's kindergarten class got to sing the safety song and hold up the numbers for the assembly! :) Here are some photos!! :)

Here is the principal (Mrs. Tjaden) and the asst. principle (Mr. Schumaker) acting out a skit for the kids! - -it was so cute!! :)
Here the 3rd graders and kindergarteners are holding up their numbers for the skit!

And finally they got to sing their safety song... and Parker actually sang!!! :)

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