Saturday, January 30, 2010

Family Movie Night at Church

Last night our church hosted a Family Movie Night!! I am not sure if they have ever done this before... but it was such a GREAT idea and the boys LOVED it!! They showed the movie "Pistachio - The Little Boy Who Woodn't"... a VeggieTales movie that is due to be released soon! It was such a cute movie... it is about a boy who doesn't listen to his father and has lots of trouble... when he realizes it is important to listen to his father his life is much happier! - - a GREAT lesson for our kiddos!! :) - - I know our boys need more help in this area!! :)

They had popcorn, juice, water and pop for concessions (and they were super cheap)... so it was just like going to a real movie without the expense (the movie was FREE)!!! Afterwards they gave each kid a little baggie with a color sheet, sticker, sucker and activity sheet!

It was a fun night... I hope they offer more of these "Family Movie Nights" - - we will definitely be attending if they do! :)

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